Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why is it always I?????????

Life has ups and downs,
and rights and lefts too.
But what I dont get about life is,
Why is it always I and not you?

'I thought you would do it,
but you broke my trust'
did you ever think about this,
how many promises you kept at first???

Its easy to find faults,
and forget about yours.
Its also easy to observe all,
when you yourself hide behind doors.

'I think you are wrong'
or 'I expected this from you'
Am I not entitled anything,
to hope that you would do??

'You shout a lot always'
or 'You get irritated pretty soon'.
but where does this all go when you,
do the same, to the moon????

'You never listen to others',
'You got like a 1000 faults'.
Come on guys,if I were perfect,
wouldnt someone close me in a vault???

People always come up and say,
'I hope,I think,I expect,I feel'.
But sometimes I too think and expect,
I too hope,and yes, I do feel.

Why doesnt one stand in front of the mirror,
and see how you turned out?
And just think once on every fault,
before you turn around and shout.

But this a vicious cycle,
me too stuck in it.
However hard I try and be wary,
I fall finally in the pit.

I go against my rules,
and preach what you must do.
And when I read what I just wrote,
all I hear is 'Shut up' or 'BOOOOOO'.

I think all can preach,
and all can tell how wrong you are.
But if you ever find how wrong your self is,
maybe then you can keep everyone at par.

However high one thinks of himself,
however proud one may feel.
But the truth remains as simple as this,
Eventually all are on an even keel.

P.S.- No offense meant and none taken.
All resemblances to any event or thought is purely in your dreams.


Phoenix said...

Love the disclaimer!
but yeah, there's smthng interstign about ur style of poetry...what i call as conversationalist's jib...say what u have to straight n smhow put it ina rhyme..talent man!!

as for the poem itself, well the frustration n self-pity is understandable because it happens to everyone..but I eel most of these answered are either trashed or satisfactorily answered best by the person in question himself after the tidehas turned and the situation is different

Aragorn said...

@ phoenix
well i agree.but then some are not.and when the tide doesnt decide to turn,what would one do?????

D said...

it's easier to point and shout,
than to look inside from out...

Anonymous said...


Aragorn said...

well i guess i could have said just that,but then it would not have made an entire post now would it????

Anonymous said...
